Primary Friday, 26 Apr 2024

Keeping Score of Sport for Term 2

BAC Cross-Country Carnival Results, 2024 Congratulations to Stradbroke, this year's winning house; members of Stradbroke also broke a Cross-Country record, running a combined 361 km! A total of Individual records were broken across all age groups.

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Learning Friday, 26 Apr 2024

Anzac Day Reflections from a BAC grandparent

On Wednesday, our ceremony commemorating Anzac Day welcomed guest speaker Terry Docking. His personal journey captivated us all, and he was introduced by grandsons Edward and Harry, who currently attend BAC. Our principal accompanies guest speaker Terry Docking as they place a wreath beneath the flag Terry's family history is intertwined with military service. His father, uncles, and father-in-law all served their country. Two died in a trench at the Somme in World War I, and another faced…

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Early Learning and Prep Thursday, 21 Mar 2024

BAC Students Unite for Harmony Week Project

This week, we embraced the richness of our cultural diversity through a vibrant community art project led by Year 11 students Jessica R (left) and Ruby M (right) as part of Arts in Practice. The project celebrates Harmony Week and the theme: Everyone Belongs.Jessica R and Ruby M led a collaborative art project to celebrate Harmony Week At the heart of the initiative is the message that everyone has value, regardless of culture or heritage. Governor-General of Australia David Hurley and his…

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Learning Wednesday, 31 Jan 2024

People of BAC: Counsellor Mtho Ngcanga on the Benefit of Conflict in Families

BAC’s Mtho Ngcanga believes we are brought up to believe that conflict is bad, and we must avoid it at all costs. As a College counsellor, he has a different perspective on family conflict than most, having grown up in apartheid South Africa, and believes in the value of fostering differing points of view within a healthy family. “Conflict begins when people have different ideas—which is both healthy and okay! The way we manage it, however, makes all the difference. Do we argue or reason with…

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Early Learning and Prep Monday, 22 Jan 2024

Built-in Besties' First Big Day

It was a big morning in the Watkins’ household. Identical twins Ben and James had been anticipating their first day in Prep at Brisbane Adventist College, Mansfield, for what seemed like forever and the big day had finally arrived. Uniforms on, backpacks loaded, and photos dutifully taken, the time it took to drive to school was spent asking last-minute questions and absorbing expert advice from worldly big sister Grace who is in Year 5 this year. Parents Kirsty and Tim, on the other hand, were…

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Learning Thursday, 16 Nov 2023

Children's book authored by BAC teacher

Year 2 teacher and children’s author Kris Wigglesworth used his own picture book to start a discussion with students in their Health unit this year. Written while Kris was still at university, the picture book is now used as a teaching resource in Adventist schools around Australia, leading Primary-aged students on a journey of discovery about the effects of spending too much time behind screens. With the story taking place over a fictional week, Kris incrementally introduces research-based…

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Primary Wednesday, 15 Nov 2023

New Tradition for BAC Athletes

Last Friday, more than 50 medallions were presented to student athletes in recognition of their success and commitment to sport at the inaugural BAC Sports Awards breakfast. The casual pancake breakfast and awards ceremony was attended by over 120 students and many parents who helped us celebrate community, hard work, and achievement. "We want to instill pride, excellence, and commitment in our students," says Head of Sports, Mr Rutkowski. "We're proud of the success our teams have achieved…

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Early Learning and Prep Wednesday, 14 June 2023

BAC United in Reconciliation

In unity and understanding, the entire college community came together to celebrate National Reconciliation Week in a special Chapel earlier this month. This annual gathering serves as a focal point for fostering reconciliation within the college, and this year's theme, "Be a Voice for Generations," and the parallel between the pursuit of reconciliation and our belief in God's reconciling love for His people, resonated deeply. From the youngest participants in the Early Learning Centre to…

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Primary Wednesday, 24 May 2023

BAC Digital Art Exhibition

We invite you to explore the profound theme, #ChooseJoy, with us. Inspired by the College's overarching spiritual theme for 2023, this series delves into the meaning of a lasting and transformative kind of joy—one that transcends fleeting moments of happiness derived from achievement, possessions, or adventure. #ChooseJoy resonates deeply with our community, having served as the spiritual centerpiece during our 2023 WOW Week, and is a recurring motif in our weekly Chapel programs. It also finds…

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