Principal's Welcome

We have faith in the potential of every child to become a man or woman of exceptional character.

You have likely heard people remark that something must be seen to be believed. In some cases, this adage will hold true, yet there are some things that must be believed before they can be seen. To believe before you see, you need faith, which can be defined as ‘the hope in things not yet seen’.

At Brisbane Adventist College (BAC), we work with the unseen potential in your child, to nurture and grow every aspect of their learning. Our teachers help each student develop robust skills and attitudes, that will continue to allow each child to be successful and content, long after graduating.

The belief and faith that Brisbane Adventist College teachers have in their students is built upon strong community partnerships between parents, students and the College. These partnerships promote individual support and accountability in a safe and inclusive environment, that cares for individual well-being.

Our consistent academic success is due to our belief in the potential of each individual. We support students to achieve this by delivering a well-planned curriculum in small to medium class sizes. We employ talented, Christ-centred teachers who offer support, extension and challenge to every student.

One of the founders of the Seventh-day Adventist education system wrote that education should provide “institutions of learning that send forth men and women who are strong to think and act – individuals who are masters and not slaves of circumstances, individuals who possess breadth of mind, clearness of thought, and the courage of their convictions.” (Education pp12, E. White).

At Brisbane Adventist College, we have faith in the potential of every child to become men and women of exceptional character. We take seriously the great responsibility of your child’s education.

Thank you for considering Brisbane Adventist College.

Mr Peter Charleson

Read Mr Peter Charleson's series of blogs on family, teaching, and learning: Principal's First Principles.