Principal's First Principles

Friday, 10 May 2024

Principal's First Principles: Inside BAC's New Reading Intervention Programs

I am excited to share the remarkable success of a new initiative that has already made a significant difference in the two short weeks we have been implementing it at BAC. Our new reading intervention program is proving to be a key that unlocks the door to literacy for students who have been struggling to navigate the world of words. As educators, we know that good reading skills are vital for academic success. A foundational skill, it's the key to educational success in all curriculum areas…

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Thursday, 30 Nov 2023

Principal's First Principles: December 2023

Service To Others Really Matters! Ten years ago in a different Australian state, a young teacher introduced me to STORMCo. It didn't take long to convince me of the value of this service-oriented youth program, and we ran one every year to Port Augusta, South Australia, on the eastern shores of the Spencer Gulf. I saw the program enhance the lives of the people we could be of service to, but perhaps even more, change the lives of the students who came along. It's a privilege to now be in the…

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Friday, 11 Aug 2023

Principal's First Principles: Crossing the Red Sea

I wish you’d been there at yesterday’s outdoor Primary Chapel. Pastors Annalise and JP led the children in an interactive drama, dotted with narrative and song to illustrate the biblical account of the Children of Israel. I watched from the hillside over Field 2 as the chaplains brought groups of children into the story. From their seated position on the bank overlooking the field (like tiered seating in an amphitheater) they joined the action 'onstage', and helped to represent the drama that…

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Friday, 12 May 2023

Principal's First Principles: A mother's love and guidance

On Mother's Day, we celebrate the love and sacrifices of mothers, grandmothers, aunties, and all female caregivers who love and care for children. Today, I had the privilege of celebrating with around 100 mothers who gathered for breakfast in the Multi-Purpose Centre on our College campus. As I looked around the room, I was struck by the warmth and love that radiated from every mother present. It made me reflect on the value of a mother's love and guidance for her child. Jochebed and Moses One…

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Thursday, 13 Apr 2023

Principal's First Principles: Getting involved in life

This past week has been a truly remarkable experience for me as I have accompanied our Year 12 class on their Sydney Trip. I am so grateful for the opportunity to connect with students and share in the incredible experiences that have been thoughtfully planned by Year 12 teachers Mrs Matthews and Miss Rowe. From the moment we arrived in Sydney, each activity was uniquely designed to inspire. We visited iconic Bondi Beach, sailed yachts on Sydney Harbour, climbed the Harbour Bridge, explored the…

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Thursday, 30 Mar 2023

Principal's First Principles: What's your rip tale?

Stories: they're one of my favourite things about being a teacher and a dad. I still love getting into the classroom and reading little ones stories when I get a spare moment. I know there's a photo of me in my emu costume floating around somewhere. I'm telling the story of Edward the Emu to last year's Preps and hope I'm invited to read it again when they're doing the letter Ee this year. But why do we read or tell stories? Certainly, they help with communicating important values and creating…

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Friday, 10 Feb 2023

Principal's First Principles: Our connection is more important than you think!

As a teacher and principal, I've been fascinated by the individual progress children make from their earliest interactions at school through to graduation. Which factors, over the years, have led to or influenced their academic and social success? There are many variables, of course, however, researchers and educators agree on one point at least: a child's behaviour and academic results improve significantly when their parents show an interest in their education. When you dig into the research…

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Friday, 27 Jan 2023

Principal's First Principles: Wayfinder

One of my favourite childhood memories was when, out of the blue, Dad would be driving and say to us: “Looks like we have a bit of extra time. Why don’t we go on a shortcut?” Mum would groan and go: “No, no, no!” My sister and I would yell: “Yes, yes, yes!” We’d often end up on narrow tracks and creek crossings. Once or twice, we got stuck. Of course, Dad’s ‘shortcuts’ were fun, but they were not short even though we loved these adventures. Why am I telling you this? Because as parents and…

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Friday, 25 Nov 2022

Principal's First Principles: Level up, away from screens

The end-of-year break is just around the corner! Students will holiday at home, with family or maybe even somewhere exotic for the next six weeks. When I wander around chatting to them at this time of year, I often hear the following kind of sentiment: “I can't wait to sleep late, stay up late, and 'chillax' with gaming and social media.” Parents who have the best intentions can allow bad habits to form. They believe their child deserves this holiday (and they do) and that they should spend…

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